COVID-19 Update from ISC Companies
To Our Valued Customers & Supply Chain Partners
May 20, 2020 – ISC Companies’ COVID-19 Response Team has reviewed the current visitor policy in light of the new “Stay Safe Minnesota” directive from the governor. With businesses slowly opening up, ISC Companies will begin accepting visitors effective Monday, June 1, 2020.
We will continue to act to minimize the spread of COVID-19. With this in mind, we will continue our policies related to employee and visitor safety.
Visitors are requested to:
- Wear masks when entering ISC Companies offices and warehouses
- Wash hands and use hand sanitizer where available
- Social distance to a minimum of 6 feet
- Review the signage on our entries prior to entering our building
Entering our building is NOT allowed in cases of the following:
- If you had a fever within the past 48 hours or experienced respiratory illness (cough, sore throat, runny nose or nasal congestion)
- If you traveled Internationally over the past 14 days
- If you had close contact with any possible source of COVID-19
We look forward to returning to normal operations as soon as it is safe to. Thank you for respecting our requests during this period. If you have questions or concerns about our policies, please contact ISC Companies, Minneapolis headquarters at 763-559-0033 or email [email protected].
The ISC Companies Team